
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Thing #14 All things Technorati

Technorati...another cool idea. I just don't know how much I will use it. I've read blogs before. But, mostly it's people that I know. I'm not sure how interested I am in finding a random person's blog to follow. I have a personal blog and I just can't understand why anyone that is not my friend would find it interesting. Just my opinion.... Just another why to social network I guess. If you are interested in that sort of thing.

Thought the various searches in Technorati were interesting. I didn't find many surprises. Mostly PLCMC blogs. When I searched "Learning 2.0" as a blog post I did come across a Management Coaching blog from a person from Hawaii. I think that one came up because she was wondering if there was a "learning 3.0". I'm sure there will be one day.

When searching "Learning 2.0" in tags I found a math class blog from Corgilabs. I have no idea why that one came up.

The top searches was a mystery to me. Searches like "jonny", "pinky", and "cicarelli"? I'm a little behind in my news reading but are these names I should know?

Another fun exercise on the Learning 2.0 highway! :)


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